Employee Health and Well-being (2020)

The preservation of employee health, safety and well-being takes precedence to ensure LANDBANK’s viability, continuity and resiliency. The Bank has implemented new policies and has been extending occupational health and safety services not only for the benefit of our organic employees but for the other members of the workforce as well.  The Enhanced COVID-19 Risk Mitigating Protocols were issued to emphasize the importance of observing the minimum health standards and to guide them on what actions to take should they be exposed to or contract the disease.

While the Bank strongly supports the expanded targetted testing strategy of the health department, it provides subsidy to the cost of Reverse Transcription-Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) or swab testing to its personnel who are exposed to a confirmed COVID-19 case in the workplace.

To ensure that those who report physically for work and those who transact business with us are on tip-top condition, the LANDBANK Employee Health Status Survey and the LANDBANK Customer/Service Provider/Visitor Health Status Questionnaire were developed and implemented.

HRMG partnered with the Facilities and Procurement Services Group and other Bank units concerned in the provision of new essentials to our workforce including face masks, alcohol and hand sanitizers, and other hygiene products. Regular disinfection of facilities, furniture, fixtures and equipment is being undertaken as a precautionary measure against infection from the disease.

The Bank’s in-house Medical Team, in partnership with MediCard Philippines, has been providing onsite services through the Medical Clinic and remote consultations with our own health practitioners.

In order to help our employees cope with the change in work culture due to the adoption of alternative work arrangements, stringent social distancing measures, and emerging individual concerns affecting overall mental health and well-being, the LANDBANK Wellness Line has grown to become more relevant than ever in providing psychosocial support during this unprecedented time.

The HR advisories posted in the Workplace by Facebook continue to serve as HRMG’s primary communication channel in informing and educating people on HR policies, COVID-19-related topics and tips to weather and survive the pandemic.