Corporate Gov test

CGS test

I. Stakeholder Relationship              
I 1.a Does the GOCC disclose a policy that: Stipulates the existence and scope of its effort to address customer's welfare? Y The GOCC must 1.) identify its stakeholders and 2.) state the policies that were created for the welfare of its customers.
The stated policies must not be ambiguous and should include their underlying principles and guidelines.
The GOCC identified its stakeholders and stated the policies that were created for the welfare of its customers. Y LANDBANK Mission and Corporate Social Responsibility Statement    
I 1.b Does the GOCC disclose a policy that: Elaborates its efforts to interact with the communities in which they operate? Y The GOCC must clearly identify its policy on interacting with the communities around it.
The identified policy must not be ambiguous and should include its princples and guidelines.
The GOCC identified its policy on interacting with the communities around it. Y Our Corporate Policy, and Corporate Social Responsibility Statement    
I 1.c Does the GOCC disclose a policy that: Ensure that its value chain is environmentally friendly or is consistent with promoting sustainable development? Y The GOCC must clearly identify its policy on 1) keeping its value chain environmentally friendly or 2) promoting sustainable development.
The identified policy must not only show how the GOCC complies with existing environmental regulations but should also show how it employs value processes that reduce waste and damage to the environment. The policy should also not be ambiguous and should include its princples and guidelines.
The GOCC identified its policy on 1) keeping its value chain environmentally friendly or 2) promoting sustainable development. Y Corporate Social Responsibility Statement    
I 2.a Does the GOCC disclose the activities that it has undertaken to implement the abovementioned policies? (Customer health and safety) Y The GOCC must state the activities it has undergone during the year being assessed to implement its policies on customer health and safety.
The GOCC must state the dates when the aforementioned activities took place.
The GOCC stated the activities it has undergone during the year being assessed to implement its policies on customer health and safety. Y Consumer Protection Programs (2020)    
I 2.b Does the GOCC disclose the activities that it has undertaken to implement the abovementioned policies? (Interaction with the communities) Y The GOCC must state the activities it has undergone during the year being assessed to implement its policies on community interaction.
The GOCC must state the dates when the aforementioned activities took place.
The GOCC stated the activities it has undergone during the year being assessed to implement its policies on community interaction. Y Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives (2020) and 2020 Awards and Recognitions Received by LANDBANK    
I 2.c Does the GOCC disclose the activities that it has undertaken to implement the abovementioned policies? (Environmentally- friendly value chain) Y The GOCC must state the activities it has undergone during the year being assessed to implement its policies on promoting sustainable development and/or environmentally-friendly value chain.
The GOCC must state the dates when the aforementioned activities took place.
The GOCC stated the activities it has undergone during the year being assessed to implement its policies on promoting sustainable development and/or environmentally-friendly value chain. Y Enhanced Environmental and Social Safeguards Relative to Credit Delivery (2020)    
I 3 Does the GOCC have a separate corporate social responsibility (CSR) report/section or sustainability report/section? Y The GOCC must identify both (1) the social and environmental issues of its stakeholders and (2) the activities it undertook to address the said issues during the year being assessed.
No points will be given if only the stakeholders and their CSR issues are identified.
The GOCC identified both (1) the social and environmental issues of its stakeholders and (2) the activities it undertook to address the said issues during the year being assessed. Y Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives (2020)    
I 4 Where stakeholder interests are protected by law, stakeholders should have the opportunity to obtain effective redress for violation of their rights. Does the GOCC provide contact details via the company's website or Annual Report which stakeholders (e.g. customers, suppliers, general public etc.) can use to voice their concerns and/or complaints for possible
violation of their rights?
Y The GOCC must have contact details (phone number or email address)  specifically  for concerns and/or complaints. The GOCC has contact details (phone number or email address)  specifically  for concerns and/or complaints. Y LANDBANK's website "Contact Us" page     
I 5.a Performance-enhancing mechanisms for employee participation should be permitted to develop. Does the GOCC explicitly mention the health, safety and welfare policy for  its employees? Y The GOCC must clearly identify its policy on employee health, welfare and safety.
The identified policy must not be ambiguous and should include its principles and guidelines.
The GOCC identified its policy on employee health, welfare and safety. Y Employee Health and Well-being (2020)    
I 5.b Does the GOCC publish data relating to health, safety and welfare of its employees? Y The GOCC must publish data related to health, safety and welfare of its employees such as, but not limited to, absenteeism and occupational injuries/diseases. The GOCC published data related to health, safety and welfare of its employees such as, but not limited to, absenteeism and occupational injuries/diseases. Y Employee Health and Well-being (2020)    
I 5.c Does the GOCC have training and development programmes for its employees? Y The training and development programs for employees must have occurred during the year being assessed and there should be a brief description describing each of the programs. The training and development programs for employees occurred during the year being assessed and there is a brief description describing each of the programs. Y Talent and Development  under Human Resource Management (2020) and Orientation and Education Program for Directors and Senior Management (2020)    
I 5.d Does the GOCC publish data on training and development programms for its employees? Y The GOCC must give the name of the program and either the 1.) number of participants per program or 2.)
average hours per training held
The GOCC gave the name of the program and either the 1.) number of participants per program or 2.)
average hours per training held
Y Talent and Development  under Human Resource Management (2020) and Orientation and Education Program for Directors and Senior Management (2020)    
I 6.a Stakeholders including individual employee and their representative bodies, should be able to freely communicate their concerns about illegal or unethical practices to the board and their rights should not be compromised for doing this. Does the GOCC have procedures for complaints by employees concerning illegal
(including corruption) and unethical behavior?
Y The GOCC must disclose the actual procedures of their whistleblowing policy for their employees or grievance machinery. Merely stating that they have a policy will not suffice. The GOCC disclosed the actual procedures of their whistleblowing policy for their employees or grievance machinery. Merely stating that they have a policy will not suffice. Y Item D. General Guidelines/Policies and Procedures of Rights of Whistleblowers LBP AO No. 141, s. 2018 Revised Guidelines on Internal Whistleblowing and Reporting (pages 3-8)    
I 6.b Does the GOCC have procedures to protect an
employee/person who reveals illegal/unethical behavior from retaliation?
Y The GOCC should explicitly disclose the
procedures/mechanism in place that protects the whistleblower from retaliation
The GOCC should explicitly disclosed the
procedures/mechanism in place that protects the whistleblower from retaliation
Y Rights of Whistleblowers LBP AO No. 141, s. 2018 Revised Guidelines on Internal Whistleblowing and Reporting page 5